End of Life Clock

Health News  

22.11.2017 - 10 tips to help your child lose weight

If you have become aware that your child could benefit from losing weight it can feel quite daunting. Don't worry there's plenty you as a parent can do to help. read more

15.11.2017 - Indulgent grandparents 'harm children's health'

Grandparents are often in demand to help out with the grandchildren but new research suggests they may be harming their grandchildren's health. read more

02.11.2017 - Burns and asthma warning ahead of Bonfire night

Despite annual warnings, Bonfire night leads to painful injuries for too many people, say safety campaigners. read more

20.10.2017 - Wales consults on child smacking ban

Parents in Wales could be banned from smacking children in future as consultation on a change in the law on physical punishment begins. read more

19.10.2017 - Self-harming surge among teenage girls

There's been a sharp rise in the number of teenage girls harming themselves read more

17.10.2017 - Jamie Oliver's sugary drinks levy 'cut sales'

A 10p sugar levy on sugar-sweetened drinks in a UK restaurant chain led to a fall in sales read more

11.10.2017 - 10-fold global rise in obesity among young people

The last 4 decades has seen a 10-fold increase in the number of children and teenagers who are obese, a major investigation has revealed. read more

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