End of Life Clock

Health News  

17.01.2018 - Better evidence needed for kids' screen time

Parents are often advised to limit screen time for children - but experts are questioning the evidence behind these recommendations. read more

16.01.2018 - TV ads 'make teens crave junk food'

TV ads make teenagers likely to crave junk food, according to a survey for Cancer Research UK. read more

02.01.2018 - Parents urged to cut kids' snacking

Parents should limit their children to 2 snacks a day of no more than 100 calories each to help tackle obesity, says a health body read more

27.12.2017 - Girls' early puberty 'may trigger later depression'

Girls who enter puberty early may have a higher risk of mental health problems in adulthood than their later-developing peers, new research suggests. read more

15.12.2017 - 1 in 6 parents allow 14 year olds to try alcohol

More than 1 in 6 parents in the UK allow their children to drink alcohol by the time they turn 14, say researchers. read more

28.11.2017 - Surge in scarlet fever cases remains a mystery

Scientists say they are unable to explain a recent large increase in cases of scarlet fever in England. read more

24.11.2017 - Measles outbreak in the north of England

Health protection officials are urging people to ensure they are immunised against measles after 2 outbreaks in the north of England. read more

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