End of Life Clock

Health News  

21.10.2019 - Can pregnancy occur after a vasectomy?

The chances of a pregnancy after a vasectomy are almost zero. However, we look at why pregnancy can still happen. We also explore vasectomy reversal, and a process called sperm aspiration, which may also lead to pregnancy. read more

21.10.2019 - Everything you need to know about clear urine

Clear or very pale urine is usually a sign of proper hydration. In this article, learn more about the possible causes of clear urine and when to see a doctor. read more

16.10.2019 - What foods relieve nausea?

Some people may not feel like eating while they are nauseated, but some foods can help settle the stomach and relieve feelings of nausea. Learn more in this article. read more

15.10.2019 - What to know about third trimester weight gain

A woman may gain weight during the third trimester of pregnancy. This is because the fetus is growing and the body is preparing for delivery. Learn more about third trimester weight gain here. read more

26.03.2018 - Hoverboard injuries documented

A study has found that 26,854 young people were treated in US accident and emergency departments for injuries they received riding hoverboards in 2015 and 2016. read more

21.03.2018 - Inequalities in kids' weight reversed

It used to be the thinner a child was the more likely they were to come from a poor family – now the reverse is true. read more

20.03.2018 - Social media 'may harm wellbeing of teenage girls'

Girls who spend a lot of time on social media at age 10 are more likely to encounter declining levels of wellbeing during adolescence than those who do not, say researchers. read more

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