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Health News  

24.12.2019 - What to know about fever during pregnancy

Experiencing a fever during pregnancy can be worrying. Learn about the effects that a fever might have on a pregnant woman and their fetus, as well as when to seek help, here. read more

17.12.2019 - Flu during pregnancy: What to know

The flu can cause harm during pregnancy. Learn about how to treat it, the symptoms, when to seek help, and about the safety of the flu shot. read more

12.12.2019 - Folate vs. folic acid: What to know

Folate and folic acid are forms of vitamin B-9. Folate occurs naturally in a range of foods, while folic acid is synthetic and present in fortified foods. Both are important for pregnancy. Learn more here. read more

11.12.2019 - What to know about getting pregnant after an abortion

An abortion is unlikely to affect a woman’s fertility or future pregnancies. Also, it is possible to become pregnant shortly after an abortion. Learn more here. read more

11.12.2019 - What to know about HCG pregnancy tests

An HCG test can show if a woman is pregnant and if their body is producing the right level of pregnancy hormones. We look at the accuracy of HCG tests and what factors can affect results. read more

10.12.2019 - Depression during pregnancy: Symptoms, treatment, and more

Depression is a mental health condition that can affect anyone, including women during pregnancy. Learn more about depression during pregnancy, including the symptoms and safe treatments. read more

06.12.2019 - 14 myths about pregnancy

Many myths surround pregnancy. In this article, we investigate 14 common pregnancy-related myths and explain the truth behind each of them. read more

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